Wow. I have had such a nice day. Apart from being woken at 7.50 (that’s a whole 10minutes before my alarm goes off!) by my poor sick boyfriend, it’s been perfectly lovely. I finally got my work groove on, by finding, admittedly rather late, my work strategy. Writing pages of notes until my arm cramps up whilst drinking sparkling water at the ‘study desk’ in my local Starbucks seems to be doing the trick. I got to listen to some terribly posh girls in the year below talk about their summer plans involving working at Wimbledon (“but not with everyone else who ‘does’ Wimbledon, dahling”), working for some head-hunter (“I’ve done it before, so its not exciting. I might have to call them and come a week late; I’ve got so many parties to go to in June!”), and going to Mexico. It’s quite fun chat to listen to when you are studying how the rich kept the poor down in colonial Virginia.
One of the nicest parts of my day was when an old work buddy called me for some chat and to find out when I come back to Belfast. It’s always nice to be loved. Especially when it comes from someone out of the blue. Another perfectly lovely highlight was meeting Flatmate Number One whilst walking to the library and getting a lovely long hug from her. Just the little things in life that make you smile. The Boy has a wonderful habit of making me smile with his silly, silly but perfectly lovely text messages. From someone who did not even have a working mobile phone until February, he has taken to txting like a duck to water.
I have a problem. I am going to be stranded at Stansted airport on July 3rd. Typically, Ryanair flights are designed to reduce your chances of getting any connecting flights, and so it looks like I cannot get home to native Belfast until the next day, which leaves me a night in the airport. Not a chance. Although I’ll probably have my sleeping bag with me, since I’ll have to bring it with me due to all my stuff being taken home to day before I leave for France. Moving out and going on holiday simultaneously is not the most simplest multi-task I have ever done. So I managed to book 3 of the 4 flights that I needed to today. That’s not too bad for me.
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