late night
The Boy and I are fighting. I’m not entirely sure why. I have a feeling that I precipitated it, but I don’t really know how. All I know is that we were having a conversation, he was being really pedantic, and saying that everything that I said was “another lie”, when it was just me saying dumb things like “I haven’t eaten a bagel for three weeks”, when apparently I ate them two weeks ago. Riight. Like that’s important. Anyway, I decided that I wasn’t having any fun anymore, so said that I would call him tomorrow, and apparently he took the huff and has told me not to call him until I am done with my exams. I have already been the bigger person by sending him two txts, so there is nothing more to be done. I wish these random disagreements wouldn’t happen. I honestly have no clue why he has got so upset.
Onto other things. I have made a few discoveries tonight. (1) microwaved porridge has a rather solid, gelatinous texture that is not exactly appealing. This seems to have no adverse effects on the taste though. The reason that I am eating porrige is two-fold. It is all that is left in my cupboards, or rather, strictly speaking, FMN3’s cupboards, and also, because, despite the fact that the rest of the country is having a heatwave, we have fog and I was freezing by the time I had finished walking home in my sandals. (2) my new revision snack: Rice Krispie Squares. The Boy will kill me (no wait, he won’t even know about them!) because we are supposed to be on a health kick. That can wait until next week and my exams are all done. In the mean-time, a chewy, high-sugar snack is going to keep me going through the next three days. Something has to.
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