irish girl, american studies graduate, living in belfast, call centre baby


Robert Dalek's John F. Kennedy: An Unfinished Life; What Color is Your Parachute; Toni Morrison's Love.


Billy Joel - We Didn't Start the Fire; The Libertines; Jet; Snow Patrol
fuck that job!
a list apart
jumping out of windows...
the atlantic ocean
mimi smartypants
because I say so!
go fish
just like a dream

Friday, June 04, 2004


PC posting

I am posting from The Boy's house, which is quite difference, since it's on a PC instead of my beloved iBook. We have had such a wasted day, between spending long hours at the vet's taking his cat (which, in mine, and also the nice vet's opinion, looks like he has been smashed in the face with a brick), and then somehow we got roped into going to Sainsbury's for his mum. I had one of those frosted cupcake things, which always look really yummy, and then taste of nothing and are a total let down. Why do I never learn?

However, that is not the real chat of the weekend, which is that the surfing was awesome. I am a complete and absolute beginner, and am therefore rubbish. I also seem to be making very little headway, BUT, this time, I did my very first proper duck-dive, which I was so pleased about. I put my knee down, stuck my bum up and everything. Of course I was so surprised by this feat that coming out the other side of the wave I was completely shocked and nearly fell off my board from laughing so hard with delight. There was an awful lot of laughing, smiling, and therefore getting large mouthfuls of seawater yesterday. The water was absolutely gorgeous and it was totally worth it. I am addicted again. The Boy wants to get me surf lessons this summer, which I want to do as well. He was looking at Costa Rica though, and I was thinking somewhere a little closer to home. Although North Carolina could be cool - see some friends at the same time ...


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