Spiderware and the New York Times
I just checked on Technorati and found that Spiderware had linked to me, shooting me up the rankings, which was great. However, he was a bit miffed that I had linked to an NYT article about blogging that he could no longer get. Just to give him the low-down on it, it basically was saying how blogging was becoming addictive, and there were people who couldn't go on holiday without taking their laptop, and that some people were quitting posting so often because it was taking up so much time. Furthermore, it didn't seem to matter whether anyone was reading or not, it was just the sheer act of writing that people were addicted to. It also had a story about a wife walking into the bathroom of the remote mountain retreat that she and her husband were staying at and finding him typing away there. D-I-V-O-R-C-E was the implication of the article. Its me or the blog, baby.
Hope that satisfies everyone's desires.
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