lazy afternoon
Its a Saturday afternoon, and nothing's going on. We had delicious crab for lunch, after having delicious langoustines for dinner last night, and Lil Sis is playing with her new Nokia. Its the bog-standard phone with a camera in it, and it is currently making bip bip sounds. The Boy is sitting beside me playing Grand Theft Auto on his playstation, and all is ok. I would say good, but I've been spending the last hour looking for yet more jobs, since none of my applications have paid off, and my non-delightful agency did not bother to return my calls yesterday. I feel like a loser.
The Boy just suggested going to Southern Ireland tomorrow. I think he thinks that (a) it is all the same place, and that (b), it is just a hope, skip and a jump away. It sort of is, and it sort of isn't. It's just the way he says it.
I think we are all heading out tonight; we all being Z, LJ, maybe FMN3, and The Boy and I. It should be nice to get drunk and that sort of thing. I hope so; I need a break from routine. I feel so lethargic these days, even though I've been going to the gym loads trying to get thin again.
Eek. The Boy is determined to feed me chocolate. Should I give in?
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