potential dream job
Today I applied for my dream job, or at least, a dream job, but I really doubt that I will actually get it. Its to work as a travel sales consultant for STA Travel, because I really like their whole travel ethos, and its an industry which genuinely interests me. However, my lack of experience will probably hold me back. However, my CV does have a gold star on it for being able to offer advice on drinking ages in Mexico, which was a bonus. I hope it makes the difference. I really do. I don't want to work in a call centre.
I have an interview tomorrow to be either a sales advisor or receptionist at LA Fitness which is another job that I really don't think that I want, but I'm still going. I mean, the idea of being a receptionist in such a place appals me - its just so uncool! Having said that, the gym does have a pool, and that's quite tempting. But really, I feel so, well, underwhelmed by it.
It's quite ironic that all the interesting things that happen in my life exhaust me so much that I am too tired to type them, and you never get to hear about them, for instance, the grad ball. That was a fantastically funny, gossipy night, and yet, I never got around to typing up the stories. So, for that reason alone, I'm making sure that Saturday gets typed up.
It really wasn't that interesting. Interesting for recent times, but that is because my life hasn't exactly been fun and games recently. Well, its been fun, but not interesting. Anyway, I went out for cocktails with Z and LJ, and it was awesome to just drink and chat and be totally normal. Z told us of her freaky experiences with a medium in Australia, and LJ shared her married life experiences, and it was just nice to be back together, girlies again. Then, lo and behold, D, a guy I used to date, turned up, and I knew things were bad when I went to give him a traditional Edinburgh two-cheek kiss, and he went for a full body hug. Hmmm. Anyway, he made small talk for a while until I sent him away to his friends, where they sat and basically spent the whole evening checking out us three blonds. I just knew this was bad news.
We headed over to another club, because The Apartment closes at 1am, and whenever I got there, he proceeded to tell me that he wanted to go back out with me, and that he had tried to find a girl just like me, and couldn't. We are talking about really a non-relationship that happened over 2yrs ago - what?? I actually had a finest hour, because I was quite mean, and just said that he had never treated me as well as he should have, and that he was never going to have a chance with me now, because I have met The Boy, who makes me more happy than he ever could. Harsh? Most definitely. But really quite fair. I got a late night text, and nothing since, thank god.
Wish me luck on the job interview tomorrow. I'm off to have a bath to prepare me for The Boy's arrival tomorrow. I have a countdown!
Good luck! (I would love to work for STA, so I am a tad jealous, but hope you get it anyway. ;) )
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