study time
Why didn't I think to do this at "the office"? He he. I can say "the office" now. This, by the way, is marketing research. No, not market research, but marketing research. As in, what the hell is marketing in the first place? I haven't got a clue - something about anticipating and satisfying customer's needs. Am I going to blow this interview tomorrow? Most likely. Well, its not like I'm doing anything else instead.
One thing I haven't been doing recently is doing much publicity - ie, marketing - for this website. I need to think about that. And about making myself look ship shape and super smart tomorrow. And of all the clothes I want to buy!
The Boy has disappeared into another room whilst I work on this. He's beginning to realise just how easily I can entertain myself for hours on end. Like with the new Kennedy book I'm reading, which I am loving. Much of it I knew already, and even that is pleasant - like an old friend.
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