urgh, so tired
Argh. So, so tired, and yet still up typing this. I think its because I can't face going to the chaos that is my room. Its only half been dealt with, so is in a terrible state. I'm also in a pissy mood because of my extended family who have taken over my house, so that I can't use the phone, or the internet, or eat what I want, or even talk to my own mother without being constantly interrupted. Gosh, I'm grumpy.
The Boy just bought me an iPod. What a wonderful specimen of a man he is. I can't quite believe it. It's very exciting. And also rather hilarious. I innocently dropped it into converstion at the dinner table, and then my mum told my dad who is away on bidness at the minute, and apparently Big Bro also was about to get one, but was saved at the last minute. iPods are like buses; none and then two at once.
Lil Sis came round and bought her boy, D. It was the first time I spent any time with him, and I most definitely liked him, even though he had the most Belfast accent ever. So not how I would imagine anyone with Lil Sis, but I think she is smitten. Sweet.
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