irish girl, american studies graduate, living in belfast, call centre baby


Robert Dalek's John F. Kennedy: An Unfinished Life; What Color is Your Parachute; Toni Morrison's Love.


Billy Joel - We Didn't Start the Fire; The Libertines; Jet; Snow Patrol
fuck that job!
a list apart
jumping out of windows...
the atlantic ocean
mimi smartypants
because I say so!
go fish
just like a dream

Tuesday, July 06, 2004


where there is mess, run!

Despite the fact that my room is the most horrible, messiest, unliveable mess that I have ever seen, I have not yet even attempted to tidy it today. I had a ten-minute battle with an Ikea wardrobe, and that put me right off the whole thing. My mum really wants me to move upstairs to my brother’s room, and there are lots of reasons why it makes sense, but it is just so far away from the bathroom, and that scares me a little. But we shall see. Right now, I am just avoiding my own room.

My mum has actually been really encouraging today. She thinks that I should definitely get onto some sort of IT training course, o it be online or in a classroom, as well as whatever crappy job I take up. She’s also determined to get broadband and a wireless connection set up, so that I can do this up in my room, and have my own workspace. Its actually been really nice; I think she’s come to terms with my lack of doctor status, and is all about me doing something that I want to do, and helping me with that. I’ve just got to find the right course now. I’ve also been looking for jobs, and applying for a few, but we’ll have see how that goes. I’m not actually expecting anything until I go down to an agency and get involved. Tuesday of next week, that’ll be. The beginning of my new life – ha!

I gave my dad a shoulder massage at the dinner table today, and he positively groaned in a very sensual manner, basically in his usual mischievous way of totally embarrassing way – it most definitely worked. It brought about a quick end to his massage, that’s for sure. His loss, not mine.

I have been feeling so terrible for my mum. Her sister has just been wearing her down for the last few days that she has been here, and my mum is just completely exhausted by her never-ending instructions. She is like a sledgehammer crossed with a bulldozer, and my poor mother, who has been dealing with her parents on a far more daily basis than anyone else in her family, since they all live in England, is just exhausted. It makes me so angry, because I get so very protective of her. I just keep giving her hugs and doing all the rubbishy household stuff that needs to get done, whilst they deal with the house.


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