somebody has been slagging me off. Apparently I sound like I'm laughing at him when I post. I have no clue who this person is, but I'm sure I would probably be laughing at him if I knew. Oh, and that I'm full of myself, or immodest or something. Damn right! I'm my own biggest fan. Somebody has to be. Anyway, enough of the mud slinging, I'm off to watch this damn kiteboarding dvd. Oh yes, and the OC starts again Sunday, just in time for my birthday hangover. Perfect timing.
You can't be a blogger in Northern Ireland and not know who Stray Toaster is! He's THE NI blogger. Don't take it too seriously though - as long as you like your own blog, that's all that matters, isn't it?
Stray Toaster is not the NI blogger. Slugger is. Stray Toaster is an interminably boring log of an insignificant life of leisure. It's purpose is self-aggrandisment - in this the blogger is supported by a coterie of individuals called 'blogerati' who are flattered or brow-beaten into offering him their support.
self-aggrandisment Anon, you are a genius.
Of course it is that. It is a blog about my life. I am not trying to scourge the net to bring snippets of info about NI to light.
And I am not propped up by the blogerati. I think you miss the whole point of that moniker.
As for Slugger being a blog, it isn't. It is a news aggregator with discussion built on. We have had that thread before on Slugger, well over a year ago.
Ms Holly likes her blog. I like mine. We do it for our own reasons. Not for yours. I don't care if *no one* reads my blog, that isn't its point. As I have told you before, it is a record of my life, what *I* have done, and some random thoughts.
Go live in your world of big words where no on contradicts your viewpoint, or argues with you. You bore me. At least Ms Holly's response was better, and showed some spine. She is her own biggest fan, said so, and left the mudslinging at that. But you have continued berating me across now three sites. I hope it has made you feel better.
Oh, I missed life of leisureI wish. I don't watch TV, so I get to spend time with my children, read books, listen to music, interact with friends.
I work damn hard all day, and read the blogs over my tea breaks.
How *little* you know. There is a big jar on the table marked 'Clues' in green crayon, please take one on your way out.
Rubbish. Stray Toaster gets far more hits than Slugger. And all those hits do not come from the "Blogerati". Yes, it is nice to be linked by him, but I had readers before that. I don't *need* him to link to me. Oh, I'm also linked by Slugger, and get far more hits from ST than there. Slugger is troll-central and not even slightly representative of Northern Ireland. The worst of Northern Ireland, the most racist, sectarian, misogynistic of Northern Ireland perhaps, but that's it.
Poor BBC dude, his head is about to explode. I have to say I don't like being described as a brow beaten cotier, but they I didn't like it when BBC blogger descibed us all as cowardly racists who live in a dump (that is effectively the sum output of Absolutely Bloggin').
Still, better to be a brow beaten cowardly cotier than a know nothing talentless hack I say!
- Stephen
I am apparently a member of the Blogerati, and I don't like StrayToaster, in fact I think he is a cunt. Anyone wants his address contact me!
See how much fun getting slagged off is, now all these people come to your site and slagged each other off in your comments section! :-)
thanks joanne for telling me not to worry about it, and also thanks to carrie for seeing the funny side of the whole thing too. I have to admit to everyone that I read neither stray toaster nor the bbc guy, so I have absolutely no comment on who is a better blogger. Not that you were interested anyway.
Definately don't let it worry you. I only get involved in these kinds of discussions if there's a point to it.
Joanne - size doesn't matter (or according to my New Man's Little Handbook it shouldn't)! Mwk and I are catering for two completely different (though not completely mutually exclusive) audiences. Though in all seriousness it's probably not fair of you or annon to make the comparison.
I have no intention of writing Slugger for his audience, nor I expect does he for mine. We may both lay claim to the term blog, but there the likeness ends. Though we do link each other on those few occasions when our interests genuinely meet. That's the way this interweb net thingie works.
My experience of other people linking to Slugger is that most of the time a link on a blog roll is usually an indication that the blogger her/himself has come to read something.
For instance, Slugger appears on the blogroll of Crooked Timber, but commonly I only pick up two or three hits a day from them. However if Slugger is mentioned in a post then we can expect upwards of fifty or sixty in a day from them. Andrew Sullivan and Instapundit usually bring in over a thousand a in a day depending on how long your link stays near the top of their prodigious blog output.
I've no idea how many hits Mwk's site gets in a day. If it's more than Slugger then good luck to him!
Joanne - apologies. You didn't make the comparison. It was just annon.
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