irish girl, american studies graduate, living in belfast, call centre baby


Robert Dalek's John F. Kennedy: An Unfinished Life; What Color is Your Parachute; Toni Morrison's Love.


Billy Joel - We Didn't Start the Fire; The Libertines; Jet; Snow Patrol
fuck that job!
a list apart
jumping out of windows...
the atlantic ocean
mimi smartypants
because I say so!
go fish
just like a dream

Wednesday, August 18, 2004


long long days

I've just got off from being on the phone with The Boy, and I've royally pissed him off, and I'm not even sorry. The reason? He had to borrow £250 from me to buy the truck he got from ebay, because the seller wouldn't wait three weeks, understandably, for him to get the money together. So, I basically told him that he was living in a bubble where he thought that he still had a right to things when he didn't have the money for them, and the fact was, that people like me aren't always going to be there to bail him out. It was really harsh of me, but he's been annoying me recently with money, because he wants to start up his own business, but in the meantime is not looking for work and turning down jobs because he doesn't want to to do them. Fair enough, apart from if you want to set up a business, you need capital. And you get that usually from doing jobs you don't want to do. Anyway, I told him he wasn't living in the real world, and he should get himself together. Understandably he is pretty mad at me, and is cancelling his ticket to come over for my birthday. If he does that, I think that's pretty shitty, and maybe a dump-worth offence. That's the thing, he said he needed the money to come and see me for my birthday, but no offence pal, but it's not like my birthday is a shock and snuck up behind him - he's known about it for a year. What the hell?

I got my contract from HBoS today, including a bit of paper asking me to explain gaps in my employment, which is fair enough, but for one of them, I was still at school, the dumbasses, and the other one was from July to August 2004 - that's the last month - do they really need to know a month? I've basically been vaguely holidaying. Anyway, that's what I'm writing, and screw them. I'm annoyed at the HR people there in general, because they have changed the shift system, and now we are very much pawns in the computer system, with our hours spat out according to need - how evil and Starlabor is that?

[as far as I know, starlabor is the computer that makes up Starbucks shifts, and is known for its evilness, but please, correct me if I am wrong]

We went to The Gasworks yesterday to sort of get an idea of what our jobs are going to be like - I genuinely liked it, strange as it sounds. I'll be a little automatron, waiting for the beep to guide me. Maybe I'm not quite the lefty, alternative space cadet I thought I was, and really an Orwellian cog in the system.

Thinking about it, I probably shouldn't have said those things to The Boy. I bet I get dumped tonight.

I am being less and less enticed by the Open University degree, mainly because I am liking the idea of doing absolutely no studying for a year, and maybe doing a proper single year course. Having said that, I'll probably be about 27 or 28 when I am properly ready to enter the workforce. Oh well, I'll just have to dye my hair blonder and use anti-wrinkle cream whilst I doctor my birth certificate to make people think I am a spritely young graduate.

I went last night to see my friend Sheena, who I haven't seen for ages; she works in the local Clements coffee. She actually made me the most delicious mocha ever, and I don't even like mochas, that's how good it was. And strangely, whenever I was walking out of it back home, I walked past Amy - nothing for four years, and then twice in two days. Anyway, we promised to meet up later in the week - we shall see. I am also seeing an old friend tomorrow night, Clare, who is a friend of the family. I swear I haven't seen her in about 5yrs, so it will be interesting to see how she has changed.

I've noticed that as I have been becoming more tired, and more using of my parents' computer, how less interesting this blog has become. I shall start thinking of interesting and insightful things soon, I most definitely promise.


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