so much to say!
Such a lot has happened since my last post. Firstly, about a half hour after it, I got a phone call from Halifax offering me a job in their call centre, which was perfect. No, of course I don't want to work in a call centre for the rest of my days, but it is slightly more lucrative than temping, and also it means that The Boy and I will be in so much a better position for handling the whole distance issue. So I'm really pleased about that.
Then, it was Z's birthday, so we went out for that, and ended up strangely hammered before midnight, so much so that The Boy banned me from going to the movies with a (guy) friend, even though he also refused to go himself. He apologised the next day for his alpha male behaviour. We then drove, very hungoverly, to Donegal, and went to Rossnaughla beach, which was awesome, and had great surf, but neither of us could be bothered to paddle out, so we both lay and were hungover. Bosh.
Donegal was packed, because of the glorious weather and the bank holiday weekend. We had a nightmare trying to find somewhere to stay, but ended up in this incredibly family run B&B who thought that The Boy and I were married; I didn't bother to correct her otherwise. Fun giggle and a double bed - what more could we want?
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