so random!
I was talking to my trainer today about two guys who were having a blast kitesurfing down in Dundrum, and, it turned out to be him! V cool. Now I know he's dead talented. Plus, he's given me a video of mad people trying to do mad stuff, including some stuff going on at Cape Hatteras, so that should be fun to watch. I am so tired from getting up faar too early, thanks to Eims forgetting to let me know that she could give me a lift to work afterall, something that she only let me know once I was at the bus station, and I'm supposed to be going to the gym, which just feels that it isn't going to happen, but it really should, because I am getting both lazy and fat, in that order. Man, what a long sentance. I should break that up, because I maintain that long sentances are a v bad idea, but whatever. Right now, I'm tired, and vaguely grumpy. So I'll let it slide. Man, such pathetic fallacy - its absolutely grey and damp outside. Grr. Feels like winter. I want my wrist warmers.
I don't think so, but he didn't really chat to me as much today...
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