As ever, I'm on the hunt for a second hand board on ebay. Nothing much really coming up. I know I certainly don't want a Bic, because they have a pretty shitty resale value. I'm thinking maybe NSP, because they're cheap and they resale ok, which would be good, because I'm not planning on keeping it for long - just long enough to start getting better fast.
I love Sundays. They are just the most relaxing day ever. No hangover, just good sleeps, reading the papers, watching the OC, which was finally good today, after having been so terrible the last few weeks, and wearing slobby clothes. I haven't even showered today - yes, I am a lazy girl, but I'm also not going to be seeing anyone for a while. I've made vague attempts at tidying up the kitchen. Vague would be the operative term.
Urgh. Tomorrow work starts for real. I can no longer be babied in the nursery, and have to face the big bad world of targets, statistics, and knowing what the hell is going on. Am I looking forward to it? Not really. but then again, what did I expect? It had to start sometime.
don't get an NSP. i hear they suck. (note: i have never actually ridden one.) go glass!
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