little things meander along
What have I noticed today? Well, for a start, Neighbours seems to have titles on each episode - whoever heard of a soap with titles? Today's was something to do with aisles, the other one I remember was "The Last Temptation of Jack". I think they just add to the cheesiness of the whole thing. Wholesome and cheesy.
I got "signed off" in work today as competant. Clearly I'm not, but that's okay. I mean, I'm okay enough, in my eyes. You have a 70% chance of me giving you the right information. I also got asked out over the phone, which just gave me the giggles and made me blush right in front of my usually dead-pan trainer. I wasn't really sure of how to handle the situation professionally...
I also have a new addiction which feeds my love for intellect and smut in one fell swoop. Vintage Blue is a reprint of lots of naughty books (I looked for a website, but couldn't get one), and I picked up Erica Jong's Fear of Flying, Philip Roth's Portnoy's Complaint, Martin Amis's The Rachel Papers, something Japanese, as well as the new Chuck Palanuik, and Norwegian Wood, by Haruki Murakami, who is someone I know I should have read by now but haven't. I think I might be books obsessed. Nothing makes me happier than thinking about the big pile of books beside my bed waiting to be read. I have a very long list of other things I want to read, including the 9/11 Commission report, some Rick Moody, and a whole host of history things, including Gulag by Anne Applebaum. The Boy and I were talking about what we wanted from life, and I came up with a job that didn't kill me, and plenty of time to read books. Oh, and living by the sea, having 3-5 kids, and a nice enough medium sized house. The usual.
"I came up with a job that didn't kill me, and plenty of time to read books. Oh, and living by the sea, having 3-5 kids, and a nice enough medium sized house. The usual."
Don't we all... Graham.
I know - so simple, so easy. If only.
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