back on track
I just came back from a weekend at The Boy's. From being in a horrible horrible place last week, both him and us have come a long way. I'm really proud of him. He is being a legend for his family, and really pragmatic and practical towards other parts of his life. Its really interesting, and really attractive. He's taking responsibility for a lot of things, which is great to see. We had a lovely weekend, although we didn't really talk about anything too serious, but it was good. I think we really purely enjoyed each other's company, in a very simple, uncomplicated way, which is what both of us need right now.
The Diary of a Wage Slave continues, but in a good way. I have not had a day off since I started being a call monkey, 3 long months ago. But now, for some strange reason, I seem to have a day off at least every week until April, when I quite. Well, I'm sure not complaining about that.
I've realised that I'm getting rather lonely. I seem to be missing out on my friends' lives right now, and its distressing me a great deal. Much as I love Lil Sis and The Boy, they do not an active social life make. Its weird; I used to be turning down invites left right and centre, and now I'm crying out for one.
Oh, I've another thought. I'm thinking of setting up a PayPal donate thing on here, and anyone who donates is guaranteed a postcard from my travels. I'm just not sure how well that would wash. It's a bit cheeky, isn't it?
Holy poops, you are the first Belfast based blogger i've found on this thing, so nice to read a language i understand rather than the usual rants about the election and knitting are blogmarked!
will check back soon
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