Time for my round-up of the day. I thought it was going to be absolutely glorious after having worked so hard yesterday, I was filled with hope and optimism that I was going to become a seventeenth century America genius. However, a spanner was thrown in my plans not five minutes after getting out of bed, because I discovered that I finished the last of my yummy
Fauchon hot chocolate yesterday, and therefore had no breakfast. Things were coming apart fast ...
Having to think on my feet a little, I traipsed up to the little shoppee to get some pens, of which they had a truly pathetic selection, and then to Starbucks for my corporate slum. I have to admit that I sat there for the whole day getting quite a lot done, and getting encouraging texts from my mother, who I have to admit received a text message yesterday which had a swear word in it. If she didn't know that her daughter can sometimes have the mouth of a sailor, especially in times of stress, she does now.
Starbucks working was fine. I was delightfully interrupted by a phone call from The Boy, and we got to talking about the modern young white male, and his role in society. Basically, he is feeling side-lined (I am not sure if this is the correct word, I shall have to think about it) since he is not allowed to celebrate his role in the way that women, ethnic minorities, and women are. I can see his point. The sins of his fathers are being visited upon him, and he feels that he has no cultural significance. I am not sure that I agree with all he had to say, but I think that its an interesting point of contention that white men today do feel that whatever acheivements that they may make, they cannot be celebrated because they did not have to overcome any cultural hurdles. Hmmm. I then got to thinking, because that's what I do, how would I insult a white man? I mean, there are plenty of cuss words involving people of almost every ethnic background, and also involving my gender, but there are very few demonstrating whiteness. I suppose it demonstrates the control that white men used to have over language, but I am not sure that etymology moves as fast as society would have us believe. Or rather, does it keep up? This is not to say that I am a champion now of the white man's cause, or I am going to instigate a support group of suppressed white men, or anything like that, but its interesting to think of some sort of post-cold war crisis of masculinity. He's probably going to be pissed I wrote that.
So, I sent an email to a professor yesterday, because I am such a suck, suggesting a book for his class next year, and he wrote back suggesting that he come visit me whenever I eventually make it the the Western US for grad school. Forward, no? Pity our exams are anonymously marked.
Tomorrow is my final day of revision for Seventeenth Century America, my course from hell. Usually, I take the day before exams pretty casually, and not doing much reading, studying or stressing, and more letting the information forment in my brain like a fine wine, but to hell with that. This paper is Beaujolis Nouveau all the way, because tomorrow I am going to be studying my ass off again in my spot at Starbucks, mainlining mocha frappuccinos. Yum yum. Brain food. Like my banana and peanut butter sandwich for dinner.
Things I am looking forward to doing this weekend since I will have a modicum of freedom: tidying my room, going for a run, going shopping, reading the Saturday paper, hanging out with The Boy, going to see The Day After Tomorrow, watching the last ever Friends, Big Brother going Evil, eating fish and chips on the roof, sunbathing on the roof, sleeping in. Only 48hrs to go ...