irish girl, american studies graduate, living in belfast, call centre baby


Robert Dalek's John F. Kennedy: An Unfinished Life; What Color is Your Parachute; Toni Morrison's Love.


Billy Joel - We Didn't Start the Fire; The Libertines; Jet; Snow Patrol
fuck that job!
a list apart
jumping out of windows...
the atlantic ocean
mimi smartypants
because I say so!
go fish
just like a dream

Tuesday, August 31, 2004



Yes, big smiles, because I've turned on my iBook after two weeks of ignoring it. And what a relief - its just so lovely. Why have I been arsing around with that evil beige box? I can't believe I have been being so misled.

Right, I'm off to look for flights to NC to see Blair and Kelly during the election, and maybe fit in some surfing too. Yup, this is The Boy's idea.

My aunt is here right now. She means well, but honestly, she drives me completely up the wall. I'm going to have to make myself very very scarce for the next few days. Finally, I'm in a mood to steal some music - does anyone have any suggestions??



Today we finally got our sign-ins - I am officially a Call Centre Monkey! Did I enjoy it? Well, sometimes, but I also get the fear sometimes that I am sending people miles away or losing them in the telephone system. But then again, I really don't get the chance to think before the next beep comes through. But then again, there are some real weird ones, like the guy in our group, Bernard, we'll he's just plain strange. Not only has he no clue what's going on (he claims he wants to go into academia, but please, if you can't even do this, then there is no hope for you in thinking critically about Byzantian texts, or whatever), but I heard him today claim that he was "James from Bank Accounts". The girl beside him was going mental.

The Boy left today, and got his first glimpse on the NI gliterati - he saw Ash at the airport. And he's now having a hissy because he couldn't spend his Northern Irish tenner in a machine in England. Welcome to our world buddy. I do miss him, since, apart from our heinous heinous drunken fight, we got on deliciously whilst he was here. He seems so much more relaxed and everything. Its really good. All I have to teach him now is how to hold his drink.

I am scared of phones ringing now, in case I answer them in my monkey voice. My god, I'm obsessed.

Monday, August 30, 2004


no change

Well, The Boy woke up on Saturday morning looking very sheepish and has since been avoiding alcohol. He even skipped going out on Saturday night, whenever I was heading out with Z, LJ and Mo. He knows what's good for him. Actually, apart from that glitch, this weekend has been absolutely fantastic. He even took me for a driving lesson on Saturday and Sunday, which is about the most tortuous thing that anyone should ever be made to do: I hate driving so much that it makes me completely panic, and I just become a horrible snivelling, crying wreck, but luckily The Boy just deals.

What else? Oooh, I started taking live calls today, and whilst I was v panicky at the beginning, I think now its going to be okay. My group is such the loser group; we didn't get headsets until today, and most people have had theirs for over two weeks, and today, none of our sign-ins were working, so we had to share the trainers - doh. So today I did approximately 40mins of work. Shocking, I know. I hardly ever see the other group now, because our schedules are completely different, so I can just wave at Joe, and Sarah, and Eims, but not actually speak to them - pretty horrible. Still, At least I'm finally working.

I have decided to treat myself to a new surfboard when I learn to drive. 7'2", lots of float, for fun, easy waves. Nice. And will cost me a fortune, but whatever. That's what my savings account is for.

Saturday, August 28, 2004


shit shit shit

Normally I don't swear, but this is occasion to. Not only am I completely hammered, and am stinking of beer, and going to feel like hell tomorrow, but somehow I have also managed to get dumped. Somthing about dancing with Joe, who's (shit, I can't even remember the right grammar here) girlf was there, whilst talking to The Boy, and then not returning when he said if I didnt come home right now we were over. Ultimatums are a bad tool of negotiation. I don't even know why he's mad or what I've done. But now I'm single. Well, oops. Doh. And on my birthday. Who gets dumped on their birthday. By text as well. Shit.

Friday, August 27, 2004


white stripes thoughts

With regard to the chat over das White Stripes, I actually found out about them from, ahem, my dad, who heard them on Radio 4 during a summer of particularly slow news, so he went out and bought White Blood Cells, and since then, I have been a fan. And yeh, they were awesome on Wednesday, but loads of people were drunk, so they don't remember what went on, and loads of other people had only heard Elephant (which I happen to think is great) and therefore hadn't got a clue about loads of stuff going on.

The Boy is over because ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!! And so I'm off to go get ready to go to dinner (Dish, Ormeau Road, never eaten there, so no thoughts so far) and then get hammered because I finished classroom training today - woohoo!!! From now on, its real people who's bank accounts I get to fuck up. Go on, open a Halifax bank account just to hear my voice!

Wednesday, August 25, 2004


dear god people

It seems war has broken out on my site! Ha ha, it just makes me giggle that I am vaguely playing host over an arguement over NI blogging. Fantastic. But, as all the Edinburgh girls would say, back to me.

White Stripes - brilliant, even though I had no clue what half the songs were, since a lot came from White Blood Cells, which I only stole last week. They did play Hotel Yorba though, which was fantastic. And Jack was suitably weird about his "sister Meg", and how whatever made her happy, made him happy. And other such strange nonsense. Coupled with extremely tight red trousers. Pity that there was no Jet though. In fact, darn right shame.

Ok, so what is it with guys that their two favourite lines, often used in quick succession, are "you're so cool", as if they have never met anyone like me before, followed by "I've never met anyone like you before". Right, I could believe that, if I didn't know so many damn people who are just like me, but far cooler and far nicer and far funnier. So it is clearly such a line. And for the record, it doesn't work. Especially when coming from the flatmate of an ex. Not smooth.

Okay, off to bed. Countdown to The Boy: 18hours - woohoo!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2004



somebody has been slagging me off. Apparently I sound like I'm laughing at him when I post. I have no clue who this person is, but I'm sure I would probably be laughing at him if I knew. Oh, and that I'm full of myself, or immodest or something. Damn right! I'm my own biggest fan. Somebody has to be. Anyway, enough of the mud slinging, I'm off to watch this damn kiteboarding dvd. Oh yes, and the OC starts again Sunday, just in time for my birthday hangover. Perfect timing.


how did this happen?

How have I gone from having so much time that I was mostly bored, to having so little time I haven't got a clue when I am going to ever get things done, and can't ever seem to be on top of things. This week, I am going to das White Stripes tomorrow night, if it doesn't get rained off, and The Boy is coming, and it's my birthday, and somehow I also have to book tickets to go and see The Boy, arrange my birthday celebrations, and watch a damn kiteboarding video so that I can give it back to my trainer. When is this all going to happen? Quite frankly, it just isn't. Furthermore, I pretty much have no interest in arranging stuff for my birthday, because I just loathe celebrations in general, and hate the pressure of doing something fun, and getting everyone together, and making sure they all get on. Too much work. If I could do what I wanted, I would just run away and do nothing, and not tell anyone. Furthermore, The Boy is just being weird about things. He doesn't want to eat in "some restaurant which gives you small portions" - well, I'm not going to some ghetto-ass chain thingy. I want something quality, where the food is actually good, and not mass produced by some chef with a drink problem. I don't think that's that difficult. Sometimes, I think that The Boy and I are so different in our attitudes to life that it really shouldn't work, and I spend most of my time questioning the reasoning behind his actions.

You know, this all sounds like I am miserable, and I really am not at all. I'm just busy, and that's fine. Its better to be occupied than not. But I am also slightly worried - the past 48hours of rain is hinting to me that the White Stripes tomorrow might be rained off, and that would be too depressing for words. Kinda ironic though, because FMN1 tried to go and see them, and it was when Jack White had broken his finger, and so they pulled out then, and this time, its me, and not looking like any better luck.

FMN1 sent me many txts today slagging me off for liking that Natasha Bedingfield song "These Words" - fair enough, I really wish I didn't, but I'm just wondering how she knew ...

Monday, August 23, 2004


so random!

I was talking to my trainer today about two guys who were having a blast kitesurfing down in Dundrum, and, it turned out to be him! V cool. Now I know he's dead talented. Plus, he's given me a video of mad people trying to do mad stuff, including some stuff going on at Cape Hatteras, so that should be fun to watch. I am so tired from getting up faar too early, thanks to Eims forgetting to let me know that she could give me a lift to work afterall, something that she only let me know once I was at the bus station, and I'm supposed to be going to the gym, which just feels that it isn't going to happen, but it really should, because I am getting both lazy and fat, in that order. Man, what a long sentance. I should break that up, because I maintain that long sentances are a v bad idea, but whatever. Right now, I'm tired, and vaguely grumpy. So I'll let it slide. Man, such pathetic fallacy - its absolutely grey and damp outside. Grr. Feels like winter. I want my wrist warmers.

Sunday, August 22, 2004


so tired

Fun weekend. Too much boozing, so am now too tired to do anything whatsoever, apart from sleep. Its definitely been worth it. I was out with FMN3 last night, along with her new boy, who for once I totally approve of. I also went out with work peeps on Friday night, so now I've officially bonded with them. Poor wee Eims's car got broken into on Thursday night, so we're having to use public transport to get to work until she gets it fixed - what a drag! I am going to have to get up so early, which is hideously daunting. Aarg. Especially in my current sleepy sleepy state. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004


long long days

I've just got off from being on the phone with The Boy, and I've royally pissed him off, and I'm not even sorry. The reason? He had to borrow £250 from me to buy the truck he got from ebay, because the seller wouldn't wait three weeks, understandably, for him to get the money together. So, I basically told him that he was living in a bubble where he thought that he still had a right to things when he didn't have the money for them, and the fact was, that people like me aren't always going to be there to bail him out. It was really harsh of me, but he's been annoying me recently with money, because he wants to start up his own business, but in the meantime is not looking for work and turning down jobs because he doesn't want to to do them. Fair enough, apart from if you want to set up a business, you need capital. And you get that usually from doing jobs you don't want to do. Anyway, I told him he wasn't living in the real world, and he should get himself together. Understandably he is pretty mad at me, and is cancelling his ticket to come over for my birthday. If he does that, I think that's pretty shitty, and maybe a dump-worth offence. That's the thing, he said he needed the money to come and see me for my birthday, but no offence pal, but it's not like my birthday is a shock and snuck up behind him - he's known about it for a year. What the hell?

I got my contract from HBoS today, including a bit of paper asking me to explain gaps in my employment, which is fair enough, but for one of them, I was still at school, the dumbasses, and the other one was from July to August 2004 - that's the last month - do they really need to know a month? I've basically been vaguely holidaying. Anyway, that's what I'm writing, and screw them. I'm annoyed at the HR people there in general, because they have changed the shift system, and now we are very much pawns in the computer system, with our hours spat out according to need - how evil and Starlabor is that?

[as far as I know, starlabor is the computer that makes up Starbucks shifts, and is known for its evilness, but please, correct me if I am wrong]

We went to The Gasworks yesterday to sort of get an idea of what our jobs are going to be like - I genuinely liked it, strange as it sounds. I'll be a little automatron, waiting for the beep to guide me. Maybe I'm not quite the lefty, alternative space cadet I thought I was, and really an Orwellian cog in the system.

Thinking about it, I probably shouldn't have said those things to The Boy. I bet I get dumped tonight.

I am being less and less enticed by the Open University degree, mainly because I am liking the idea of doing absolutely no studying for a year, and maybe doing a proper single year course. Having said that, I'll probably be about 27 or 28 when I am properly ready to enter the workforce. Oh well, I'll just have to dye my hair blonder and use anti-wrinkle cream whilst I doctor my birth certificate to make people think I am a spritely young graduate.

I went last night to see my friend Sheena, who I haven't seen for ages; she works in the local Clements coffee. She actually made me the most delicious mocha ever, and I don't even like mochas, that's how good it was. And strangely, whenever I was walking out of it back home, I walked past Amy - nothing for four years, and then twice in two days. Anyway, we promised to meet up later in the week - we shall see. I am also seeing an old friend tomorrow night, Clare, who is a friend of the family. I swear I haven't seen her in about 5yrs, so it will be interesting to see how she has changed.

I've noticed that as I have been becoming more tired, and more using of my parents' computer, how less interesting this blog has become. I shall start thinking of interesting and insightful things soon, I most definitely promise.

Monday, August 16, 2004


lil bit o' bitchiness

There is one guy in my group that I loathe: Bernard. Bernard thinks that he is "cool", that he is hip to the student beat, because he is part-time studying for a BA, to become an MA, to become a PhD in some sort of Archaeology thing. Bernard likes to talk to me about student-dom, and why I didn't go in for grad recruit - hello corporate hell!, and things like that. The thing is, Bernard doesn't have a clue - he has no idea about how grad recruit works, about how much work it is, about how much people are paid (he thinks that firemen should only be paid £23k - I'd like to see him when his house is burning down!), and about what students actually do. I have every respect for doing a degree part-time - I'm about to start one myself - but I don't think it would makes one an expert on all aspects of 22yr olds anymore. Plus, the things he comes out with - apparently he did some test that said he was suitable for doing an MSc in something techy - maybe computer science - and I'm like, dear God, you can't even use Call Centre Agent (computer software we use for taking calls), how the hell do you think you could even possibly do that. Hey-zeus.

And that's my bitchy rant done.


blast from the past

I got a nice bit of randomness last night. It was about 10pm, and my mobile rang, and it was LJ and Z were in Tatu, and so I went down to join them - we were all having a bitch at how shit our weekends were. It was all very tame and relaxed, when a complete blast from my past in the form of Amy came rushing in - all typical Todge-like with blow-dried curls, fake tan, red lips, black eye-liner - exactly how I remember her from four yrs ago. She was also still as drunk as she was four years ago - some people never change. Amy used to be one of my best friends, but she was, and still is, a complete head-melter. It was just plain old strange to see her again. She made me promise ten times over to meet up with her this week, and we'll have to see what happens.

Work was fun today, mainly from the point that it was dress-down day - I feel such a school kid for being able to genuinely enjoy wearing what I want to work. My team trainer has also offered to teach me kite-surfing, which is pretty nifty. I am not finding the work hard at all, but mainly because I pay not very much attention, and just assume that I will learn it when I actually do it - that's what happened at Maurice's and just about everywhere else. There is no matter how much people can teach you - you just have to do it yourself.

Saturday, August 14, 2004



Finally! Its been glorious out, which is a definite contrast to the day's events. Having said that, my mum and I had a perfectly pleasant wander along the Lisburn Rd, and I also bought a new bicycle helmet for my ride to work. I'm very excited about being a green commuter. I feel that the good karma will just make me smile for the first few mins of every day.

The other thing that is making me smile are kit homes, something that just doesn't happen in the UK. I adore them, even though I am very far away from settling down, getting a mortgage and a home. Shame. But if I was, I would build something like a Unit One. I think I've been scaring The Boy with these plans.

I think I've finally been comment-spammed. Boo.



I ended up having a bit of a breakdown this morning on The Boy. He phoned me, and was quite happy, and I eventually ended up screaming at him to just leave me alone. So that was actually quite a good move, because it got both of us talking about what and why and how, and so, at the end of it, it was cheery and fun. Jeez, I just don't know how I am going sort this out though. I mean, as you can tell, we love each other, but there are a lot of things conspiring against us, and I'm not sure how we can get round that. Its going to take looooots of work.

My dying grandmother (she's been supposed to die for the last 48hrs) has instead started to recover. This is not a good thing. Her time has come; she's a very old, very sick lady, and living just isn't fun for her anymore. It just wouldn't be right if she made it through this. Times here are strained.

Friday, August 13, 2004


food has feelings part II

I have already mentioned the revenge of the pasta and tonight was a chance for the revenge of the ice cream. I got a huge ice cream cone with three scoops in it (yes, I know, I'm a pig, but I'll go surfing or to the gym tomorrow) and I picked honey bear, mint choc chip, and butterscotch. The honey bear and the butterscotch were fine, but the mint choc chip was minging - it was like eating toothpaste. And so, whilst I was vociferously complaining about this to Lil Sis, it was sneakily dripping down my leg over my favourite trousers. Happening once is freaky, twice is proof.


the end of the line?

The Boy is trying to break up with me. For some, like Angel, this will be a familiar phase. He does this with reasonable frequency, deciding that the distance is too great, and we shouldn't continue to be together. I usually let him stew, and he sort of comes round to the idea of being together again. This time, it feels different, because now the distance is a big deal, its a flight instead of a drive. Am I heartless that it doesn't bother me that much? I don't think so, but I think that's because I knew it would be that way, so it is that way, and that's the way it is. However, he doesn't feel like it is. And then he gets frustrated because I'm not upset by the distance either, which I can understand, but its not because I'm heartless, but because I'm just dealing with it. But maybe this is it.


Weather pixies

I think that I might add a weather pixie to my site. I know, there's a lot of things I think I might add to my site, but she is just so damn cute, and then I could let my readers know just how much it does rain in dear old Belfast. Like, you could check whether it was raining during my outdoor white stripes concert. Sweet.


white stripes!!

I'm going to see the White Stripes play, supported by Jet at the end of August atTennents ViTal 04 which is in Botanic Gardens. So far, I am the only person I know who's going, but I am hoping now that I have bought a ticket, that others will follow, and if not, well, I'll just have a good time on my own then.

Thursday, August 12, 2004


things I hate

I'm sure I'm going to alienate even more people by posting this, and I really don't mean to, but I'm going to go right ahead anyway and do it. I am beginning to truly not stand the smell of stale smoke. Most of my group at work are smokers, and its fine when they are smoking, but an hour after? Oh dear God it reeks, and plus, I am getting leaned over by a lady who smokes like a train and has never used a computer before, so I constantly having to help her. Yes, I know, I am supposed to have a nice caring streak, but guess what? I don't.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004


urgh - so annoying

The Boy can be so annoying sometimes. He had the best day ever, brilliant surf, totally happy, and then apparently I put him in a bad mood with some flip remark. If I had been out of line, fine, but to be honest, he makes that kind of remark to me everyday, and I simply cannot be bothered to get annoyed about it. I don't know, maybe it shows we have a lack of respect in our relationship, or maybe its just him being sensitive, or something. Anyway, I'm leaving him to stew. Sometimes I just don't feel like making peace.


share the love people!!!

I've just joined blogbling which is a wee way of spreading the love between bloggers. It doesn't really mean anything, but is just a nifty shout-out system. Let's all join, and we might even raise some money ...



Yup, today I've been learning. Which actually makes the day go a whole lot faster. We've been learning how banking works (in simple terms), but basically, credit cards, debit cards, cheques, interest, all that malarkey. Let me tell you, if that sounds dull, you should never be subjected to customer service videos with John Cleese in them. Now they are dull. So, actually, today flew by, which was quite refreshing. It was also interesting to see, without blowing my own trumpet, but just how much faster I can read and absorb information, just because I am straight out of uni, and therefore I am used to reading and answering questions afterwards. Who knew that American Studies would actually be useful.

Eims, Sarah, and I are vaguely planning a work night out soon enough. And strangely, last night I was dreaming of making "Summer Burns" CDs for my team. Obviously not my team who I am working with right now, but my future team, whoever they may be.

I got my period today, which explains why I was hellishly grumpy yesterday. It wasn't at all due, but The Boy was asking me if that was why I was grumpy, and now I have to go back and tell him he was right and I was wrong. Sometimes, my body really lets me down. Still, it means I have a good excuse as to why I cannot be going to the gym for the next few days.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004


grumpy grumpy

I'm tired and grumpy. Actually, just grumpy, but that makes me tired. And I can't have a bath because of the new floor being put down, and that is what I do when I am grumpy. Boo.

I don't even know why I am particularly grumpy. I think it is because all of the cool people are in the group that I'm not in, and I am just not warming to anyone in my group - they are like the first wives club, but with no class, and they all smoke and eat chips. In general, I am not against these two crimes against health, but somehow, they just seem to embody all the reasons why I don't like these people. And I am stuck with them for seven weeks! Dear god. Actually, dear God, please don't let it be any longer than that.

I met Z for coffee today, and we were both tired, so we had hardly any chat. Still, it was nice to be vaguely social. But right now everything is putting me in a bad mood, and I don't know what to do to get out of it. And eating that donut most certainly did not help.

Monday, August 09, 2004


funniest radio ever

During my hideously hungover state on Sunday, I did manage to hear the funniest thing on Radio 1, which was some dietician (why?) talking about poo, and what colour it should be, and what size, and other such hilarities. However, it got worse, whenever she decided to get personal on Vernon Kay, and ask him what colour his poo was, and its consistency. And man, was he open! It was hilarious.


silly wide awake girl

New note to self: Do not exercise after 8pm. I did, and now its 11 and I need to sleep, but I am blink blink wide awake bunny. With a big hole in her stomach. And you're not supposed to eat after 8pm. What am I going to do?


sometimes, the internet is just no use

I am now looking for a distance learning MSc in business ethics or development management. Can I find one? Well, not really. The Open University has pulled up the best one, but that's it. I found a heavenly course at Nottingham, but of course, I want something that I can do from home, not move. Well, maybe I'll have to move. We shall see. Its ironic that Notthingham do it, because they also offered a better American Studies course, but I just loved Edinburgh more as a city, and that's why I went there. Is somebody trying to tell me something about where my life should be heading?


I hate BMW drivers

I am assuming by making this mass statement I am not alienating any of my dear readers. But tis true. And let me tell you why.

I was biking back from the gym (yes, I bike to the gym and back. It means I can skimp on my cardio whilst I'm there, not that I am super fit!), and, as usual, there was quite a lot of traffic on the Lisburn Rd, so no one was going anywhere fast. Just as I was coming up to a parked car, a 30ft gap opens up in the lane beside me, and the BMW sees his chance to accelerate for, oh, 5 seconds, but man, this 5 seconds is too good to miss, and he vrooms past me whilst I am right beside this parked car, and nearly forces me into it. What a complete w*@!er. And I don't even swear that much. That's how angry I was.


food has feelings too!

And I have proof. I got a tomato-ey pasta salad thing from Sainsburys yesterday, and after one bit I pulled a face and said, in a very whiney voice, "I don't like this". Well, whaddya know? The next bite of pasta that I was going to take, just to check whether I didn't like it, propelled itself off my fork and onto my just-washed favourite t-shirt. That's the last time I insult a pasta salad.


Sooooo 2000

Whilst engaging in the boring but fruitful task of transferring my music onto my iPod, I found a bunch of CDs of music my sister and I had downloaded in our "youth" - sooo funny. Lots of Britney, Eminem, Destiny's Child, All Saints, and random one hit wonder dance tracks. Anyway, they are all now loaded up and I'll be jogging away to Five's "Keep on Moving" followed by Jennifer Lopez's (pre J-Lo) "If You Had My Love". Actually, incidently, I think that's a great track. Just wait til I load up my Britpop singles. Then my iPod truly will be a blast from the past. Yes, new music will soon be coming my way.

Off to the gym. It's important to get into the habit of going to the gym after work, otherwise I will become a sloth, and that would not be pretty.


job time

Yes, I actually started work today. Yes, I know, I should have posted yesterday noting all my pre-work jitters, but in all honesty, I (a) didn't have any, and (b) was far too hungover, after having been getting wasted in Tatu on Saturday night with Z and LJ. Yes, everything is absolutely fine on that front, apart from The Boy now doesn't trust them at all, and is convinced that they are out to get me. I can see his point, but it really was a wrong end of the stick moment.

Work. Yes. Well, should I be worried about a job that gives you a body-alarm on your first day? Clearly no, its just the HBoS way of trying to keep everyone safe and sound. I don't really feel that I am at work yet, because instead all I did today was watch health and safety videos, and learn how to open programs in Windoze. Apparently, some people don't know how to do that yet. Can you imagine?

Of course, when I walked in I saw someone I knew, and did not want at all to see (one of those people from your past you have no time to make polite small talk with!), so I had to duck. Its always the way in Belfast. I travelled over with Eims and a girl called Sarah, and we are the only grads in the program. Everyone in my group is 40+ - its so depressing! Next door everyone is young and fun, and in my room people talk about their mortgage and their childcare. And I'm stuck with these people for the next seven weeks! At least I have Eims and Sarah next door for lunch breaks.

HBoS seem really good to work for, with great benefits etc. I just don't imagine the work will really excite my questioning mind, but that's a good thing for a while. I've plenty of other things to deal with. Let me just get done with training and meeting some young people.

Saturday, August 07, 2004


spotted on wonkette

I saw a nice wee quote onWonkette whilst I am wasting time online uploading my CDs.
NYT reports that delegate from the far-away land of "Alaska" brings funny ideas to NYC: "'Why am I going to New York?' he asked again, this time cooking chicken on his grill. 'Values,' he said.
I think he's a little confused.


when did my computer get so slow?

Yes, tis true. My not-so-brand new (ok, 8mths old) iBook is becoming very creaky. It took forever to boot up this afternoon, and right now it is taking an age to import CDs. This is going to be a long afternoon, where I get cranky at my tech-so-slow, despite my very exciting high-speed internet. Question: what musica should I be downloading?


I've got more speeed!

Yeh! I finally have broadband internet access!!! What a wondrous day. And how shall I spend it? Probably with the very boring job of updating my iTunes with my CDs. But I am very excited. Expect a wondrous new bloggy style now I don't have to worry about charges and speed.

Friday, August 06, 2004


Big Brother house, this is Davina

Nadia won, as I predicted. I got the whole night right, which shows just how in touch with the nation I am. The Boy got it totally wrong, and he's well annoyed with me. Ha ha.

I've got a lovely skin from blogfrocks, which I'm about to rewrite and put some pretty colours in, and then I'm going to upload it. It should be up later tonight or tomorrow. I hope. Fingers crossed!

I'm watching Jason on BB - man, I hate him! He is the grumpiest, meanest, most boring, shittest person ever. Antithesis of Stuart, who we love!

Reasons why Shell and I are similar part 88: we both have crushes on Owen Wilson. The Boy is in hysterics.


fantastico day

Well, you'll never believe it, but I actually tidied my room today. No longer do I have piles of clothes in cardboard boxes littering up the place. Admittedly, all my belongings are now scattered through the house, and I have no idea really where they are, should I ever need them, but such is life. I'll probably forget all about them again. My mum helped a lot. She was the muscle woman - carrying boxes here, there and everywhere.

She also took me shopping today, and I am the proud owner of an awesome poncho!!! Its is turquoise, pink, cream, and brown - very hippy, very cool. I look like I stole it from some god-awful dressing up box, and I love it. I also got smart worky gear from gap, which is the first Gap clothes I have bought in a long time. Shirts, cardis, black trousers. I'll look cool. To be honest, I could have bought them in about 8 different colour options, but my mum vetoed, and she was the one paying the bill, so I can understand.

The Boy and I have been doing great 5 minute conversations here and there today, which has been fun. I am seriously thinking of getting a digital camera and a private photo blog just for him, and just posting all the things I have done that day for him - seeing the hash I made of describing for you guys the poncho, I know he is not going to make much sense of it either. Digi-cam is coming my way.

My parents met LJ and her hubby on the Lisburn Road last night, and so I have been invited on a girlie night on Saturday night with Z and her. Another serendipitious meeting I guess. It seems to have cleared the air. I'll talk to them on Saturday, and see what was going on.

Tomorrow, Dad and I are going to take my bike to get a reworking so I can become an ethically sound commuter to work. How fantastic. I'll get to be on my bike, and be all green and healthy. I'm looking forward to that.

The Boy has put into my head the idea of curls, so I think tomorrow I might nip into town (I've got clothes to take back - yippee - more money in my poor bank account!) and get some curling things. I think it could be very glam and sexy. Particulary since I saw cute hats in gap - kinda flat and page boy ish, that would look v fifties and sexy with some curls, blusher, and pinky red lipstick. Man, I am getting so vain! I think The Boy needs to take me surfing!

Thursday, August 05, 2004


another person found

Yogaprincess is another new read. I've been catching up on blogging life since The Boy has gone. I've also been inspired enough to decide to try and make a new design over the next few days. I most definitely thinking browns, creams, and mints - like my wardrobe really. I blog, I wear.


blogging tools

This page of resources is from mischiefgurl, and it is one of the best I have ever seen. I am very much indebted to her. I especially like the gorgeous wallpapery effect she has on screen. If anyone knows how to do that, or where to get the graphix for it, please please let me know. I'll be your best friend. Ever. I'll even give you gmail.



I'm not sure if I spelled that right, but I'm sure you will get the idea. I was wandering around Warehouse today, and I bumped into a girl who was at the HBoS recruitment session. She got the job too, and she's giving me a lift over to Dundonald on Monday - excellent! I'm excited, because she seems to be a really nice girl.

I also got a phone call to do some reception work tomorrow, but I have to admit I turned it down. Tempting as it was, I'm going shopping with my momma, and that will always be more fun.

Its strange not having The Boy around. I most definitely miss him, wee pet. He's taking a nap at home, so he'll call me later. The only thing I'm worried about is that he thinks that I am snapping him when I am most definitely not. I was being quite cheery and was all "ok, you call me later then", and he wasn't happy. I'll have to talk to him about it.

On Monday I'm going to be the only one heading out to work. How awful.


Cartier-Bresson dies

Photographer Cartier-Bresson died yesterday. I really liked his work - I studied history of photography in Chapel Hill, with my good friend Becky. We had the craziest hippy lecturer. Becky was a sorority sister of mine, but I didn't know it until I actually joined DZ. Before that, she was the cool girl with the tattoo who's friend I wanted to be. And then we hung out all the time. I miss her a lot, like the rest of my Chapel Hill girls. Sisterhood.


really rather hurt

The Boy left at 5am this morning, almost whilst I was asleep, and I already miss him. I didn't think that I would, but having the house to myself and doing whatever I want is a bit lonely. Loneliness is also compounded by the horrible feeling that I am being ousted out of my clique. I sent a txt to LJ asking if she wanted to meet up for coffee or something, nothing unusual there. But then I got a txt from here that was clearly meant from Z, saying
Z, keeps txting about meeting up this wk to catch up! Shud I ask her along tom 4 lunch with us or would u rather not?!
. Pretty shitty, no? I dunno, its so hard to find out what's going on. If she doesn't want me coming for lunch, fine, but why not something else? Clearly, it feels, that she doesn't want to meet me or hang out with me after all, and maybe Z doesn't either. I got another one about 20mins later, which said
Sorry , meant that 2 go to Z! she wanted 2 hav an in depth man talk tom so wanted to make sure she didnt mind anyone else going! Hope ur not offended! Xo
How can I not be offended? And yet, it might be benign. I mean, those two have got so close over the last year, and I understand them wanting to do things without me, but its still smarts. I feel really hurt and lonely. I was going to tell The Boy last night, but I wanted to just chill and relax with him. I can't believe I miss him already.

So, hanging out with The Boy has meant that I have been watching TV, something I am not that fussed on, but it has meant that I have, for the first time ever, watched Big Brother, and I have, sadly, gotten really into it. The Boy was rooting for Stu to win, but he got surprise evicted last night, in a truly evil BB moment, but Stu himself was so cool and so happy - he is by far the most relaxed person I have ever seen. I think that The Boy secretly wants to be him. I want Shell to win, mainly because she and I wear exactly the same things, and I have great empathy for her. She won't win though; Nadia will. And no, I'm not going to vote.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004


another belfast person

I've been meaning to mention broom of anger for a while now, but now I have even more of a reason to - it is named after a Zora Neale Hurston quote - even more quality. Go check it out if you want even more of a view of life in Belfast.


sleepy head

Oh dear. Man did I sleep in this morning. Normally, my bed totally sucks, because it is a screwed up futon, and therefore really hurts my back and I never get any sleep, but last night I went out for the count. And was so warm and toasty when I woke up. I also had been dreaming about my lovely roomies in Chapel Hill, B and K, and it was very strange that I was dreaming about them. I really want to go see them. I miss them a lot. I love all my friends here, I do, but sometimes I feel that I just fitted perfectly with them. Why are they there and I'm here? Its just not fair.

Monday, August 02, 2004


sleepy afternoons

Its 4.30 and I'm feeling dozy. The Boy is beside me playing GTA: Vice City on his PS2, and I've just finished reading this month's Q, which has the 1010 songs that you must own in it. Some of it was informative, I guess , but man would I be pissed if I didn't already own an iPod. It's totally dedicated to it now. So sad. I mean, sad for everyone who doesn't have one yet. Their time will come.

I start work next Monday, which should be exciting. Well, I hope I do. I have to receive all my confirmation stuff from Halifax still. In the meantime, I am planning my new workwear wardrobe - lots of sexy trousers and smart tops. I always plan this sort of thing, and then end up wearing the most boring "smart trousers and long sleeved top" thing. Boo! It was the same when I went to Chapel Hill. I thought I was going to be so sexy-wexy. So not true. Ha ha.

I was planning on taking The Boy to Dublin tomorrow, but his hatred of cities and crowded places has made me rethink that plan, and now I don't have a clue what I am going to do with him. Go to the beach probably. Something like that anyway.

Ma's home. Better help her make dinner. The Boy is trying to make me go to the gym. I don't think so! Man, I used to be so fit and sexy. What happened?

Sunday, August 01, 2004



Ah Joanne. Trust you to find something amusing like that. Brilliant. I'm off to make one for my boy.


so much to say!

Such a lot has happened since my last post. Firstly, about a half hour after it, I got a phone call from Halifax offering me a job in their call centre, which was perfect. No, of course I don't want to work in a call centre for the rest of my days, but it is slightly more lucrative than temping, and also it means that The Boy and I will be in so much a better position for handling the whole distance issue. So I'm really pleased about that.

Then, it was Z's birthday, so we went out for that, and ended up strangely hammered before midnight, so much so that The Boy banned me from going to the movies with a (guy) friend, even though he also refused to go himself. He apologised the next day for his alpha male behaviour. We then drove, very hungoverly, to Donegal, and went to Rossnaughla beach, which was awesome, and had great surf, but neither of us could be bothered to paddle out, so we both lay and were hungover. Bosh.

Donegal was packed, because of the glorious weather and the bank holiday weekend. We had a nightmare trying to find somewhere to stay, but ended up in this incredibly family run B&B who thought that The Boy and I were married; I didn't bother to correct her otherwise. Fun giggle and a double bed - what more could we want?


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